Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Working ....Wednesday

It's been 3 weeks now that I've been a Working mommy. I work 4 days a week with Wednesdays off. My first Wednesday I had my sister just arrive in town so the day was spent with her & the kids. My 2nd Wednesday was cloth diaper day, swimming & other laundry day & the installation of our new cable, wireless Internet which meant our phone was disconnected ALL day! Today was my 3rd day off & I really had hopes to do something FUN with the kids. Well not so much. Where does the time go. I spent time in the morning putting away weekend laundry, then off to get my kindergartner then swimming. We got home had lunch & it was 130 all ready. I then spent about 1.5 hours on the phone with the computer / wireless Internet people trying to set up a 2nd computer to our wireless system with NO luck. Then it was off to tumbling, home dinner & bed. Another day is almost over. At least I can now record my shows so that when I fall asleep before the ending I'm not bugging hubby about "how'd it end? What happened to..." The joys of a busy Career mommy!

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