Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Joys of little people

Today was a little bit of a busy day. As those of you who reside in the USA know, if you change insurance carriers there are times when that means you need to change your doctor / dentist or other provider. Today was my first visit to the dentist for just this reason. I had two little helpers. Toddler C & Big Girl A. Big Girl Z was at school. The appointment lasted appropriately 75 minutes (way to long with little helpers). They had to take all these special extras xrays, did an oral cancer screening & then a cleaning. About 45 minutes into the appointment Toddler C decided she was done being good & just sitting in her stroller & started to do this earth shattering cry. So I placed the baby on my chest & the dentist/assistant continued on their way. I've never had that experience before. Never had a baby sleeping while I got my teeth cleaning. Yes she fell asleep. This is RARE for so many reasons. My girls are not snugglers & never sleep in anyones arms. After the dentist appt we had to RUSH to swimming lessons for Big Girls A lesson which we were a few minutes. Thankfully my girls are resourceful she was able to put her bathing suit on while strapped into her car seat. After we got that done we came home had lunch & then it was quiet time. The way the baby is acting right now I don't' think she slept a wink this afternoon! Oh dinner time can not come soon enough.

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