Monday, March 17, 2008


Spring has sprung at our house & I have the SORE muscles to show for it! Those of you who don't know, when we moved my husband decided he wanted a large yard (1.5 acres) with LOTS of gardens/landscaping. The only problem is it didn't come with a gardener that's hubby & this year I'm included in that equation. Last year, being pregnant the heat / worked kicked me in the pants & I really didn't help much at all. I think all I did was complain about how hot it was & how tired I was! But not this spring.. oh no I can't get away with that! On Sunday we worked outside for about 4 hours & we only got 1 garden around a tree cleaned & 1/3 of a garden that runs along the front of our house cleaned! NOW I'm SORE!!!

The little ladies we in charge of collecting all the STICKS that had fallen off the trees oh what a pile they had!

Can't wait for next weekend to torture my body more!

this is what the front looks like in the middle of summer! oh the work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your House and yard are so beautful. mom